Attract Clients You LIKE to Work With

June 8, 2021
Work with people you like.

Putting your personality into your branding and marketing draws "your people" to you like hair to wax. Ummm not sure of that visual LOL! ...... ANYWAY working with people she likes totally works for @kissed_peach_wax_saloon. 

It works for me.

It will work for  you, too.

Imagine spending all day every day working with people you like. You laugh at each other's jokes. You become friends. They completely trust you and you don't have to spend time doing anything but what you do best. Your clients love you for it. How great would that be? 

I'm teaching a class on "How to Rock Your Personal Brand Photography," and part of that is creating your marketing plan. I'm going to show you the path of imperfection that leads to, well, PERFECTION. 

If being genuine, getting things done imperfectly, marketing without being slimy sounds great to you and you need help with your photography, this is the course for you! 

 Pre-register for the early bird  beta version now and save!

Attract Clients You LIKE to Work With

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